Who’s Ghosting The ‘Mosting’?

Who’s Ghosting The ‘Mosting’?

Let’s face it… our world has gone digital, and in this era, online job applications and platforms like LinkedIn have transformed how candidates and recruiters interact. However, a growing issue threatens to undermine these advancements: it’s called GHOSTING, and it’s a frequent complaint we hear from job seekers trying to enter the industry.

Ghosting refers to the abrupt cessation of communication by recruiters after initial contact with candidates, leaving applicants in a state of uncertainty. This phenomenon is pervasive across many sectors of recent, including recruitment in the hospitality, yachting, and customer service industries. This blog explores the impact of ghosting on both recruiters and candidates, urging a dialogue on its implications and seeking potential solutions.


The Candidates' Perspective

For candidates, especially in highly competitive fields in the hospitality industry, such as yachting, aviation, and customer service, ghosting can be particularly disheartening. The process of job hunting is inherently stressful as it is, and dead silence from recruiters adds an extra layer of anxiety. Here’s how ghosting impacts candidates:

Emotional Toll

Candidates invest a significant amount of time and energy into crafting resumes, cover letters, and preparing for interviews. When these efforts are met with silence, it can lead to frustration, self-doubt, and diminished self-esteem. This is particularly true in industries where personal interaction and feedback are key.

Lost Opportunities

While waiting for a response, candidates might miss out on other potential job opportunities. This waiting game can be costly, especially in the yachting sector, where job openings can be time-sensitive and seasonal.

Unclear Future

Without feedback, candidates are left in limbo, unsure if they should continue pursuing a role or move on. This ambiguity can stall career progress and even personal planning.

Diminished Trust in the Industry

Repeated ghosting experiences can lead to a lack of trust in the recruitment process and the industry itself. In hospitality industries, where reputation and relationships are paramount, this can deter top talent from applying in the future.


The Recruiters' Perspective

From the recruiters' standpoint, ghosting is often an unintended consequence of high workload and systemic challenges. Understanding their perspective is crucial for fostering a more empathetic dialogue.

The Sheer Volume of Applications

Recruiters in popular people-based industries often receive hundreds of applications for a single position. Managing this volume while providing personalized feedback can be overwhelming.

Time Constraints

The fast-paced nature of yachting tends to require recruiters to fill positions quickly, sometimes even within a few days of the position opening. The pressure to match the right candidate to the right role, especially just before the peak season starts, can sometimes lead to lapses in communication.

Resource Limitations

Some recruitment teams are actually quite small, and may not have the capacity to respond to every candidate, especially when turnover is high and demand for positions is constant.


The Impact on Brand and Protecting The Company Reputation

Paradoxically, recruiters may opt for silence to avoid potential backlash from rejected candidates. However, this can backfire, harming the company's reputation more than a polite rejection would. This perspective is, of course, open to debate.

Ghosting has far-reaching consequences beyond individual experiences. It can significantly impact a company's brand and reputation in the recruitment market:

  • Negative Word of Mouth

Candidates who feel mistreated are likely to share their experiences with others, potentially dissuading top talent from applying. This ripple effect can be particularly damaging in yachting, which relies on a steady influx of skilled professionals.

  • Social Media and Online Reviews

Platforms like LinkedIn, and Name & Shame groups provide candidates with venues to voice their grievances. Negative reviews can tarnish a company’s image and make it challenging to attract quality candidates in the future.

  • Employee Morale and Culture

Companies known for poor communication practices during recruitment may struggle to maintain a positive internal culture. Current employees, observing how candidates are treated, might feel less valued themselves, affecting overall morale and productivity.

  • Competitive Disadvantage

In such competitive hospitality sectors, companies that fail to communicate effectively with candidates may lose out to competitors with more transparent and respectful recruitment processes.


Solutions and Best Practices

To address the issue of ghosting, both recruiters and candidates can take proactive steps to foster better communication and understanding:

 For Recruiters

  • Implement systems to send automatic responses upon receiving applications. This small step reassures candidates that their efforts have been recognized.
  • Clearly communicate the expected timeline for the recruitment process. Keeping candidates informed about the stages and potential delays can reduce anxiety and build trust.
  • While challenging at scale, providing personalized feedback to candidates, especially those who reach interview stages, can significantly enhance the candidate experience.
  • Invest in resources and technologies that streamline communication and feedback. This might include hiring additional recruitment staff or utilizing AI tools to manage application volumes.
  • View candidates as long-term assets rather than short-term prospects. Maintaining positive relationships with candidates can pay off in future recruitment cycles.


And Now For Candidates

  • Don’t hesitate to follow up with recruiters if you haven’t received a response. A polite inquiry about the status of your application can sometimes prompt a reply.

  • Use platforms like LinkedIn to build and maintain connections within your desired industry. Engaging with industry professionals can increase your visibility and opportunities.
  • Understand that ghosting is often not a reflection of your abilities or worth. Keep applying and stay proactive in your job search.
  • If ghosted, reach out to the recruiter or company for feedback on how to improve your application or interview performance. This can be valuable for future opportunities.


Ultimately, implementing thoughtful practices, bridging the gap between recruiters and candidates through better communication and mutual respect is key to mitigating the negative impacts of ghosting. Both parties stand to gain from a more empathetic and transparent approach to recruitment, leading to stronger professional relationships and a more vibrant job market. Don’t you agree?

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